I remember when I was a child I couldn’t wait to grow up, now I’m like what the hell was I thinking. Now that I am 40 there is not a day I go without wishing I could go back in time and start all over again.
My daughter is 11 years old, you’d think she was 21. I’m not saying she looks like 21, more like, she acts like she is. I don’t know how most parents discipline their kids these days, I know quite a few parents are scared to correct their kids. I have never been one to hit my kids but I am not even going to deny that sometimes I feel like my daughter could use a good smack in the mouth. I have been the only parent around for her since she was born and she is so disrespectful and ungrateful towards me sometimes.
Her room is messy all the time, I ask her day after day to clean her room and it never gets done. When I yell at her I’m the bad guy. I think back to when I was a child and what my dad would do to me if I didn’t keep my room clean. I can’t bring myself to bust her ass, so I think of other ways of discipline her like taking away things that will hurt her more than having to put my hands on her.
When she’s disciplined her attitude gets worse and I have to deal with her smart mouthing me, slamming doors and being hateful towards everyone in the house. She reminds me of me, but I couldn’t be that disrespectful towards my parents or they would have knocked the taste out of my mouth.
As the generations go by it seems like kids get more and more disrespectful. I don’t even know what type of discipline to use anymore because taking things from her just doesn’t really do anything. Punishing her doesn’t do much because she spends most of her time in her room anyway. I know taking her cell phone away for good would probably change her tone completely but then she wouldn’t have a phone for emergencies.
With all the crazyness out there in the world today and some of it is pretty close to where I am, I can’t take her way of contacting me away from her. I would be devastated if she was unable to call me if there was an emergency.
Her father not being in her life has affected her emotionally and I totally get that. She doesn’t open up to me she bottles things up just like I did and it’s destroying her. Changing her in a bad way. Watching her mature into a teenager is like watching myself grow up all over again. She has alot of my traits. I try to reach out to her the way I would of wanted my parents to reach out to me but that doesn’t seem to work.
So what do you do? That is one thing I do not have the answer to but I’m sure there are things I haven’t tried or even thought of. I’m open to suggestions. How do you deal with situations like this?